Our Story
At the center of Morning Penni Farm lies a story of family, health, and a commitment to sustainable practices. Founded in 2022, Morning Penni Farm envisions itself not merely as a supplier of fresh produce but also as a vibrant community hub creating a connection between people and the land.
As a former chef turned farmer, I embarked on this journey with a burning desire to bridge the gap between food and community, to reintroduce people to the vibrant flavours, seasons, and nourishing goodness of fresh, organic produce. Our vision extends beyond vegetables to encompass a full organically reared diet, all cultivated within a regenerative system.
From the moment we planted our first seed, our story has been one of growth, discovery, and learning. We've immersed ourselves in the intricate art of regenerative farming, embracing the land's natural rhythms.
But our story isn't just about us – it's a reflection of our incredible community, it's a collaborative effort by the amazing individuals who've influenced Morning Penni Farm's journey and made this possible so far.
As we plant seeds and chase dreams, our mission stays true: nurturing nature, building connections, and growing together.
Welcome to our story – we're thrilled to have you along for the ride.